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home conflict life you choose

If the name HOME CONFLICT sounds familiar then you've probably been here before when I talked about the Croatian punk rock trio more than a few times, most recently back in May 2018 when their single LIFE YOU CHOOSE dropped. The band is back t it again, this time with a follow-up full length album with the same name as their forthcoming single.


Home Conflict - Life You Choose


Life You Choose from front to back is a straight forward punk album with hints and nods to pop-punk and punk bands from the 90's to early 2000's.

Tunes like opening track NEVER LET YOU DOWN, PURGATORY, and I HAVE A FEELING feel more hardcore punk driven with fast hardcore punk beats, driving guitars and straight forward "in your face" lyrics.

Tracks like LETTER TO THE GOD, WORLD ON MY KNEES and BILL OF EXCHANGE have more of a 90's nostalgia punk sound reminiscent of skate/surf punk bands like Pennywise. As I've said before, the title track to the record reminds me of a harder version of The Offspring with a slight nod to pop-punk bands like Sum 41. Tracks like N.W.O., NEVER COMING HOME, and SOCIETY give off the same vibes as the title track LIFE YOU CHOOSE.

The album in its entirety is rad. It has all of the right elements of nostalgia as well as the band's influences coupled with their own sound and persona.


You can find more from Home Conflict at any of the links below:


- The Pop Punk Dad features artists from all around the globe. Email me awesome bands at:


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